Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Buddy System

I leave for Los Angeles Thursday morning, and by some strange series of events, I'll be getting on that plane alone. There aren't many things I do alone these days. A 5 minute shower might be my own, or occasional late night reading binges. Other than these rare moments, I have my best friend Beckett with me at all times. I obviously have a strange mix of thrill and trepidation over this trip and leaving him behind. But some of my concern was allayed this weekend when I saw the excitement my parents feel at having a half-sized houseguest, and when I saw this...My dad (aka Buddy) built this killer sandbox from scratch, complete with a bench for "coffee breaks" for the work crew, Mack, Pierre and Wilson. They drive the dumptruck, cement mixer and front loader, respectively.I have a feeling I'll be missing much more than I am missed. B may not even notice I'm gone as long as his Buddy is around - and Mack, Pierre and Wilson, of course.

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